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We all invest for different reasons.  Maybe you are saving for your next holiday or a car purchase, putting money away for your first or next home, funding your children's (or grandchildren's) education or saving for retirement.  The key to successful investing is to identify your investment goal and the time frame your investments are likely to be held.


When investing, there are typically two key impediments to building your wealth; tax and inflation.  By investing in the appropriate assets to meet your goals, and correctly structuring your investments you can reduce the impact of tax and inflation on your investment return.


Your Investment Options

There are broadly five key asset classes, each providing a different level of risk and return:

  • Cash - Investment in Bank Accounts, Term Deposits and Cash Management Accounts.  These investments generate income but no capital growth.  Your investment value may not keep pace with inflation

  • Fixed Interest - Investment in Government and Corporate Bonds, Annuities or Hybrid Securities.  These investments generally pay a higher rate of return than cash and have the potential for capital growth.  These investments have the potential for capital loss and your investment value may not keep pace with inflation.

  • Property & Infrastructure - Investment in Residential, Industrial or Commercial Property and Infrastructure assets.  These investments may provide income from rent and potential for capital growth.  Assets may have a period where income is not generated and may experience a loss in value.

  • Shares - Investment in direct shares, Managed Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).  These investments achieve income through dividends and offer both capital gain and loss potential.

  • Alternatives - Investment in Hedge Funds, Futures, Commodities and Derivatives.  These investments often perform differently to other asset classes which may assist in diversifying your portfolio, however, may also expose you to a higher level of risk.


Your Goals and Time Horizon

After identifying your goals, we work with you to implement an appropriate investment portfolio, taking into consideration many investment options.  Your time frame for investment will often determine the most appropriate investments for you. 

When investing for the long term, you benefit from taking advantage of growth in the market, whilst ride out any market downturns.  When you've only got a short time frame for investment, it is often prudent to invest in more conservative investments such as Cash and Fixed Interest.

  • Short Term - Typically classified as an investment time frame of 1 -3 years.  Investments are typically held in Cash and Fixed Interest Investments.

  • Medium Term - Typically classified as an investment time frame of 3 - 5 years.  Investments are typically split between investment in conservative assets such as Cash & Fixed Interest and growth assets such as Shares & Property.

  • Long Term - Typically classified as an investment time frame of more than 5 years.  Investment is focused on Growth Assets including Shares and Property and may make allowance for some access to Cash.


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